TAIDE-magazine Issue 1/2023

Pessi Rautio: The Seen, p. 35

”Inka-Maaria Jurvanen has been focusing on one mode of expression: drawing on wood with a pencil. And look, the miracle just deepens. Even though Jurvanen draws everything meticulously, one can no longer be sure what is the basic level of what is depicted when the magically subtle shadings mix with the patterns of the wooden base. These images are at the same time in front and behind the surface, here and there. Human parts, unidentified insects, horizons and celestial bodies float and squeeze in strange spaces. The subjects melt like in a deep fever. Although the image makes a well-thought-out first impression, it never settles down. That’s why one can spend infinite time to figure it out.

Windthrow, tm·gallery, Helsinki, Jan 18th – Feb 12th